L’assemblea elettiva nazionale

23 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · 11 Commenti 

di Bisi G. Gorodetzky A. Costantini M.


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Sriver G3

21 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · 1 Commento 

Sriver di terza generazione. Utilizza la tecnologia HTT High Tension Technology, è una gomma molto valida, d’altra parte la Sriver è da sempre un punto di riferimento per moltissimi pongisti. Riesce a combinare in maniera convincente rotazione e velocità.
Disponibile in rosso e nero con millimetraggi 1.7-1.9-2.1
Butterfly World

Butterfly Italia

Why Chinese players are the best ones?

20 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · 2 Commenti 

By Massimo Costantini

Beyond political matters, that are influenced by economic matters, that are in its turn influenced by matters of sponsoring, and so on.. I just want to analyse what is the most important to me, that is the technical matter.
We always spoke about Chinese supremacy in general terms, sometimes trying to give importance and sense to concepts like better training, better organization, better technique, better legs, and so on, sometimes trying to give sociological explanations to this phenomenon: natural selection, school, political system. But after all, I never heard or read why Chinese players are the best ones. It’s always the same, trivial question, that outsiders make: why Chinese players are the best ones? We discuss like we were in front of a sort of postulate, a fact, almost a resignation. I felt this feeling also talking with the most appreciated coaches of the world: the European players enter in the field with some points behind before the beginning of the match.
That’s why now I’ll try to give a technical explanation, hoping that in this way I can feed a discussion that can just reveal itself to be helpful to our movement.

First of all, I’m convinced that we never think enough over how to improve the technique of the strokes and the development of the play. It could seem exagerate, but it is so. That’s why many times the training is oriented to improve the ability to make as less mistakes as possible, forgetting that, also in routine trainings, the true quality to research is the technique and its deep analysis.

Before studying in depth this matter, we must give a brief introduction to better deal with this subject.

Ping-pong is a technical sport, absolutely and extremely technical.
The technical base and its evolution must be taken into a very serious consideration for all the lehgth of a player’s career, from the very first moments of the play until the most professional ones.

When we get into a mistake, whatever it may be, the reasons could be two: wrong evaluation of the ball (objective) or technical mistake (subjective). The choices we make in a match, or in the training too, come always from a visual stimulus, and that’s why the result of our choices depends exactly on what we really see and perceive. We must be very honest to affirm that in the most cases we didn’t see the ball, so we made a wrong evaluation with a negative consequence, that is the loss of the point.

The play, the training, the empirical experience and the daily routine allow us to automatically improve the perception (objectivity) and so the evaluation of the opponent’s ball, making us perform, from time to time, the most convenient choices.
Our active presence and our critical sense will allow us to consider the technical mistakes, to work on them with courage and decision, and, from time to time, to enrich our technical experience.

It was very important to underline those aspects, because, as we will se later, they will be the daily bread of our improvement.

Europe is paying high for two mistakes: one severe and one light: the severe one concerns the laziness at work, that accumulated from the half 80’s. The importation of many foreign players weakened the continental history instead of enriching the technical rate, as the Europeans thought. It should be interesting to know the number of the Chinese players, or more generally, of  the Asiatic players that flowed into Europe: an enormous quantity. Instead of enriching themselves from the technical point of view, allowing the local choaches to grow for a new training education and study of the technique, they prefered to bet on the improvement of many clubs and afterwards on the improvement of national teams, shearing in fact the cycle of the technical progress of the players at its roots. Today we are living the drama of the illusion, that is following us from more than 20 years.

The second mistake, the light one, is the backhand stroke.

With this concept on a technical base I’ll start my analysis.
I had the idea to write on this post looking at the Drago Rosso’s pictures and, of course, reading his   article.
It’s unquestionable that in the last 20 years the play became not just more fast, but also more powerful, thanks to glues and thanks to more and more perfect training methodologies, too. And that’s why the gap between Asia and Europe become even more clear, because, whereas the Chinese players, traditionally penholders that always played without backhand, developed the legs movement technique at the serve and an effective forehand play, the European players, on the contrary, continued to pursue the balance between forehand and backhand, thinking that a more centred position at the table should be more winning in comparison with the Asiatic one, definitely more shifted to the backhand angle of the table.
Of course, also in Europe we can talk about tradition, but just those who went against the mainstream, encouraging different situations of the play, were rewarded: in 1979 the Hungarian players promoted a short play and powerful backhand and forehand strokes with an almost extended arm. During the following years, the Swedish players developed a psychologically perfect management of the game together with really unique individual features (Waldner, Appelgren, Lindh, Persson). And more: Gatien and his excessively forehand play. As last example, between the European players that resisted to the Asiatic power, we can mention J.M. Saive: at 40 years he still continues with his preponderant forehand play.

What kind of damage does the backhand produce? The maintenance of the position of the arm almost always more bent than it’s correct. The waiting position, exactly for its features of balance between forehand and backhand play, creates reactivity problems.
The consequence of a too much bent arm leads to the execution of the forehand in a too blocked way: this doesn’t let the shoulder, that is the real propeller in ping-pong, do his work of push. Besides, a bent arm impoverish the peripheral quickness, contracting the stroke and reducing it to something more than a topspin opening of the game.
Try to think about a discus thrower that makes his throw with the arm bent: the power of the throw will certainly reduce at least 50%.
I ask you to examine the moments of the impact with the ball in Chinese players, but also in Korean players. I don’t mention the Chinese players from Hong Kong and Singapore, because they all have the same origin. These players are characterized by a common technical feature, that is the absence of the backhand in all its ping-pong history. I shall leave out the Japanese players, that in the last years Europeanized maybe too much, in virtue of the work performed by Mario Amizic.
Turning now your attention to the pictures, that from my point of view are more educational than videos, it is important to underline how the position of the legs, of the trunk and of the shoulder, in the Chinese play, are basic components to release as more power as possible. There are some examples in which the ball seems to go even beyond the axis of the body: in fact, it’s a way to prepare the body for a pure power action, using the whip effect of the body.
On the contrary, the common technical feature of the European players is a position of the arm  too bent to allow the use of the maximum power, and that’s why this action could not be performed if we are thinking about the possibility of playing a backhand stroke. As well, exactly because of the bent position, the shoulder operates as a lifting factor of the arm, and not as a push factor.

There is one more thing to say about the Chinese players’ backhand. We must not forget that in the moment when they play a block stroke, their arm spreads almost completely, preparing automatically the forehand stroke after making a step-around. The Europeans’ block is hardly ever played with a spread, the movement stops in advance and the opening of the arm for the forehand play will be more bent. Take a look at Samsonov’s positions an you will realize that his strokes rarely are played with power, but on the contrary, they are played with accuracy.

So, the tradition of the forehand play brought and is bringing an enormous advantage in all those situations in which power results dicisive for the success, that is in the last 20 years of play. Coming back to the main motivation, we can affirm that for the European players the backhand stroke has been a limit of the play instead of being a resource, just talking about the time they must dedicate to every single exercise in a training session: but passing over this point, as we have seen before, it is just a technical matter.

Although the olympic champion and the finalist are penholders, but with the possibility of hitting the ball with both faces of the bat, we can think that their play is more balanced, more european. We can consider even more players like Wang Liqin or Chen Qi, or even Ma Long: well, in all cases the Chinese play has a low backhand strokes percentage in comparison with the forehand ones. As well, if we make a calculation of every single point won, we’ll see that on 11 point won, the 60% at least results from a forehand stroke, the 15% from a backhand stroke and the 25% from the opponents’ errors.

Europe stayed behind, because it was not able, or it didn’t want, to sense that that was the easier and simple way to gain the point, that is hitting the ball with a forehand stroke. A forehand play requires of course a huge physical effort. In this case I’d want to include even Italy. Neither we had the right spirit to follow the Chinese ideas. Maybe in the 80’s they seemed too exagerate for our playing system.
Actually, today Europe has no chances against Asia. We have short, limited movements, with a very small participation of the shoulder and of the trunk; they have large movements with a total support of the shoulder and with the push of the body. We work with short steps and when we jump on the ball our body is too faded to transfer energy and power. They work on large movings and when they jump on the ball their body helps them to hit with more power and decision.

In the Chinese system, and also in other ones, huge loads of the physical work at the table had 2 different ameliorative targets: specialization and willpower.

Let’s explane this concept. Specialization means to operate a system of training in which the first target is to end the play with a forehand stroke, and it doesn’t matter in what kind of situation we find ourselves, neither in which game context, the backhand stroke is considered an exception of the play and a bother for the opponent. To reach this target we must have excellent legs, not just talking about power, muscle tone, reactiveness or explosiveness, but most af all as a precise action of what we want to do, that is the correct steps.

A simple example.

A European player is recovering a ball on his forehand. After hitting, the ball comes back on his backhand ¾ side of the table: the player will certainly decide for a return to the table with the backhand, working the ball and returning it with spin, or maybe he will decide to risk a power stroke (unlikely). A Chinese player, in the same situation, will seek for another forehand stroke and, if possible, he will play it with even more power. To do this, as we said before, we need excellent legs and correct steps: but this is not enough. Besides the legs and their technique we need an additional psychological strength, that only a specific training can give us. In the final part of this post I’ll come back to the psychological factor.

We said that the european backhand stroke brings as a consequence a preparation of the forehand stroke with a more bent arm position: how can we come out from this handicap? From my personal point of view we have 2 possibilities: the first one is try to unbalance the body, streching out to the backhand angle and increase the ability to cover more than ¾ of the table with the forehand. The second way is more tachnical (the way I prefer): we must try to extend the backhand stroke as it was a preparation of the forehand stroke, keeping in mind that when we extend the stroke we also suffer a loss of time, so that’s why we must also improve the quickness in executing the stroke.
To econimize the strokes and to make use of a better quickness, we might use the backhand stroke in an active way, almost as a contrast. Not with a soft arm ready to spring, but an arm that has such a muscular tension to be itself an opposing power. In this way we find ourselves with an almost extended arm, with the shoulder-elbow-wrist block as they were one single piece. In the moment that we are with a half-extended arm we’ll just need to make a quick twisting of the trunk and then get ready to play a forehand stroke. I want to explain a question: when I talk about a forehand stroke that exploits the peripheral power, I don’t mean a completely extended arm position, the “extended arm” that went in fashion, not just in Italy, in the first 70’s, but I talk about  a position in which the push of the body and of the shoulder are a sort of pre-stroke, that anticipate the action, loading further the arm.
To hit the ball with more power we need an arm that moves after that the body and the shoulder moved against the ball. In all the cases in which the arm executes a stroke without the aid of the body, we’ll find ourselves in front of a braked stroke. To make this concept more clear, here you can see a small photogallery of Asiatic players.

photos by Drago Rosso

Afterwards I suggest you another photogallery of European players: between all of them you will certainly notice Kreanga: his forehand strokes are similar to the Chinese players’ ones, but they are empty of the power of the body and of the legs.

The legs work involves the most wearing part of the training and also involves the psychological one. This is a purely Asiatic prerogative, because with this typology of training we must also include the Japanese, the real masters. The training of the legs influences the psychological condition, because it requires the body to “look for” the ball. Legs are the decisive factors of the strokes we want to play. Become protagonists of a match means develop an enormous potential of the legs work. Things happen because we want them to happen, so we talk about active, and not about passive, protagonists of the game. Afer making legs trainings with heavy loads we’ll have the feeling that we dominate the space around us with maximum confidence.

I’ll end this post saying that Europe must make a serious self-criticism. Europe must learn from the defeats it suffered and recover the management of the technique. How? Utilizing a good opportunity for a comparison, that are not the matches between European and Asiatic players, but being spectators at the Chinese National Championships, being curious, being acute observers and, most of all, being never pleased with what we think to already know.

translation by Denisa Zancaner

La Serie A1 08-09

18 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · 36 Commenti 

Si sono spente molto rapidamente le luci della ribalta del campionato di Serie A1 07-08 che aveva visto prevalere Il Circolo Roma per il maschile e lo Sterilgarda di Castel Goffredo per il femminile.
Nel primo caso la ragione sta nello spostamento dell’asse Circolo su al Nord, verso Milano dove il Pieve Emanuele è diventato Circolo Milano e dove la San Donatese è diventata Circolo San Donatese. Quindi Il Circolo non raddoppia, triplica, 2 squadre nel maschile e una nel femminile. Nel secondo i profondi aggiustamenti interni con partenze verso Milano di personalità importanti.
Avrebbe dovuto esserci anche Il Circolo Treviso, ma per la terza volta consecutiva, pur vincendo il campionato di A2, ha deciso di rinunciare alla massima serie.
Il campionato si rafforza, ma ancora non riesce a catturare l’attenzione del pubblico, in molti casi neanche di quello agli addetti ai lavori. Importanti giocatori militeranno nel massimo campionato, dal cinese Ma Wenge al portoghese Monteiro, dallo sloveno Tokic all’italiano Bobocica.
Oltre al rientro del bravo piccolo Mihai, da segnalare anche il ritorno in campionato di Massimiliano Mondello che vestirà i colori del TT Brescia.
Tutti a Milano.
Nel femminile storico divorzio tra Negrisoli ed il Castel Goffredo verso Milano, ambedue non sarebbero esistiti senza la presenza dell’altro o dell’altra. Un’altra importante fuga da Castel Goffredo è quella di Qi Rong verso Milano, senza parlare dell’annunciata conclusione del contratto per Maurizio Errigo che allena il Circolo San Donatese. A rafforzare l’ex San Donatese ci pensa Samara che affiancherà la sua connazionale Dodean.
Il campionato ha anche ulteriori novità regolamentari, infatti si giocherà la formula della mini swaytling. 6 incontri 2 per ogni atleta e la prima squadra che raggiunge i 4 punti vince la gara. Con questa formula torna al il pareggio, meravigliosa invenzione per uno sport individuale.
Il maschile ha un girone unico a 10 squadre, il femminile a 8, visti i fallimenti precedenti.
Si sono subito delineate 2 potenti squadre sia nel maschile sia nel femminile: Il Circolo Milano e lo Sterilgarda Castel Goffredo. Nel femminile Il Circolo San Donato e ancora Sterilgarda Castel Goffredo, praticamente una partita a 2 già segnata prima ancora dell’inizio. Faccio una previsione: maschile al Castel Goffredo, il femminile al Circolo San Donato.
Si comincia stasera e le partite della prima giornata si concluderanno martedì 21.
Buon divertimento
Prima Giornata Maschile

18 Ottobre ore 20:00 Il Circolo Roma - CIATT Firenze

18 Ottobre ore 20:30 A4 Tonoli Verzuolo 4 - Fortitudo Bologna 1

18 Ottobre ore 21:00 TT Bernini Livorno - TT Brescia

20 Ottobre ore 20:30 TT 91 Paiuscato Este - Il Circolo Milano

21 Ottobre ore 21:30 Sterilgarda Castel Goffredo - TT Torino

Prima Giornata Femminile

18 Ottobre ore 18:00 ASK Kras - TTF Riposto

18 Ottobre ore 18:30 TT Coccaglio - Montepaschi Libertas Siena

21 Ottobre ore 18:30 TT INottica Molfetta - Il Circolo Sandonatese

21 Ottobre ore 20:30 TT Zeus Quartu - Sterilgarda Castel Goffredo


Delle 18 squadre di A1, ben 5 non hanno un proprio sito internet.
Entrando nel Circolo Roma si accede alle pagine del Ferentino
Nel maschile, la squadra più a sud è Roma
Dopo oltre 20 anni il Cagliari non gioca la serie A1 (sob!!)
Scompare anche la Scilia, l’hanno scorso 2 squadre quest’anno nessuna.
Le isole resistono solo nel femminile.

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Classifiche di Ottobre

18 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · Lascia un commento 

Con netto ritardo sono state pubblicate le classifiche mondiali di ottobre.
Saldi al comando le corazzate cinesi con i capolista Wang Hao e Zhang Yining superstars. Tra i primi dieci nel maschile Boll sfila una posizione a Chen Qi passando da 7 a 6, stabili i primi 5: Wang Hao, Ma Lin, Ma Long, Wang Liqin e Samsonov.
Nel femminile ancora più potente la Cina con sempre 5 atlete nelle prime 5 posizioni, unico movimento quello di Li Xiaoxia che ruba la seconda posizione a Guo Yue scivolata in terza.
Rispetto all’ultima edizione del 3 settembre l’Italia mette a segno ben 5 new entry: Schierano Sofia, Trotti Elisa, Tatulli Francesca, Seretti Damiano e Mutti Leonardo. Unica fuoriuscita dalla lista, la promettente Alessia Turrini. Da segnalare il balzo in avanti di Tomasi di 19 posizioni, in virtù dei brillanti risultati del torneo belga Flanders.
Ricordo che in questa classifica non sono contemplati i risultati degli Europei di San Pietroburgo appena conclusi.
in rosso classifica peggiorata
in verde classifica migliorata
in blu classifica stabile o new entry

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B1 e schede tecniche

13 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · 7 Commenti 

Approfitto della 2a giornata di B1 per riprendere l’inserimento delle schede tecniche. Ormai da qualche tempo le schede tecniche non sono state più aggiornate e con l’inizio dell’attività mi sembra cosa più che doverosa.
In occasione della partita tra Castiglione di Ravenna e la Steel Food di Parma ho avuto l’opportunità di vedere in azione alcuni validi giocatori. Al contrario di quello che rappresenta il punteggio, 5 a 2 per Castiglione, la gara ha avuto momenti di equilibrio dove il risultato avrebbe potuto prendere un;altra fisionomia.
Molta impressione mi ha destato Alessandro Balestra, davvero un giocatore interessante. potente in ogni sua azione, deciso, mai timoroso di affronatre la palla, una gran bella mentalità di gioco.

Quindi, dopo aver aggiornato le schede già esistenti di Cattoni Massimo, Carboni Matteo e Balestra Alessandro, ho provveduto al’inserimento di Vai Roberto.
Prossimamente verranno inserite nuove schede e poi, se mi date tempo, tutte le schede presenti nella sezione schede tecniche, saranno aggiornate alla classifica ufficiale dell’1 Luglio 2008

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La Geografia Fitet, questa sconosciuta

13 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · 4 Commenti 

di Alberto Vermiglio

Qualche giorno fa ho bellamente pensato di accomunare l’ultimo livello di campionato nazionale maschile (il femminile è ormai ufficiale che dall’anno prossimo non si farà più, anche se Francone e Renatino sono ancora convinti che i gironi di A2 siano in realtà tre e con tutto il loro bel sistema di play off, fino a decidere l’agguerritissima lotta per scegliere la più vogliosa delle squadre che tenterà l’avventura in A1… Italiana, ….Femminile…??), dicevo…la C1 con una bella e-mail(lona) unica a tutti i loro dirigenti responsabili (120) per metterli al corrente del loro destino tra colleghi di categoria…. In realtà non molti ma qualche caso di interesse e riscontro, di risposta, di tentativo di solidarizzare, di condividere l’impotenza della situazione, … a parte la più pronta risposta “macrocefaloide”, denunciante la disfunzione naturale a poter comprendere la realtà dei fatti, che trattasi, il Ping-Pong, anche di un’attività sportiva e non di un semplice impegno di orario del tempo libero che anche i bocciofili dei giardini pubblici cercherebbero di vivere con più varietà organizzativa.
Si è iniziato col solito ritardo di pubblicazione dei gironi. A 14 mesi dal Geniale Editto di Caste del 29 aprile 2007, si è perseverato nel non riconoscere affatto una Direttiva CONI (la n.1344 del 26 ottobre 2006), riportante tutt’altri principi di regolamentazione dei Titoli Sportivi.
Da noi c’è il “Sistema dei Sistemi degli Amici degli Amici”, non può che esistere la rinuncia, il ritiro e il conseguente ripescaggio, ad oltranza. Ne resterà soltanto uno.
Così abbiamo assistito alla sparizione di oltre il 50% della serie A Femminile, automatico spirito di sopravvivenza dei dirigenti di società e delle loro misere finanze.
Poi siamo passati allo Tsunami di A2, B1 e B2 maschili, con tanto di quote promozione e retrocessione con multipli matematici contrari a qualsiasi tabellina e pallottoliere delle elementari.
Poi dalla Matematica si è passati alla Geografia, la materia che sempre a contraddistinto le asperità del territorio italico. Le Alpi e gli Appennini, dal Colle di Cadibona all’Aspromonte, il girone di C1 fu ferito ad una gamba, fu ferito da chi comanda, chi comanda i “regulament”!
Barzellette a rotta di collo. Nuovi ritiri ed altri errori di ripescaggi, non dichiarati e corretti, ripescando chi? Non si sa! Ssssshhh…. Non si sa! Bravo! Grazie! …. Bravi!..Grazie!
Piomba negli uffici F.I.Te.T una nuova arma devastante: “il software”; impalpabile, ectoplasmatico, nuovo decisionale e responsabile “Soggetto Mistico” che compone i gironi; Un Robocop!..:

Regolamento Campionati a Squadre
Articolo 13. - Composizione dei gironi e compilazione dei calendari e tabelloni.
1. - La Commissione Nazionale Gare a Squadre, dopo la chiusura delle iscrizioni, con riferimento alle singole fasi e livelli di cui il campionato è composto, forma i gironi previsti o resisi necessari, provvedendo ad assegnare le squadre iscritte ai vari gironi. In tali operazioni si attiene alle indicazioni fornite dalle norme specifiche di ciascun
2. - Quando è ammessa la partecipazione di più squadre della stessa società al medesimo livello o
alla medesima fase di campionato, esse debbono essere distribuite, in gironi diversi:
a) ….;
b) …..
3. - Quando le norme specifiche dei vari Campionati non impongono criteri diversi, i singoli
gironi, ove possibile, saranno composti in base a criteri geografici che tendano a rendere minime
le spese di viaggio e soggiorno delle squadre in trasferta. Per tale operazione verranno utilizzate le
tabelle di riferimento A.C.I.
4. - …..
5. - …..
6. - …..
7. - Gli organi federali competenti possono, in qualunque momento, modificare i calendari e/o i tabelloni per esigenze superiori e nell’interesse esclusivo della Federazione Italiana Tennistavolo, o per riconosciuti motivi di forza maggiore, e, comunque, solo per motivi indipendenti dalla volontà e dal comportamento delle squadre interessate alle modifiche.

Cosa ti combina il software: Innanzitutto anche quest’anno compone 13 gironi con diversi numeri di squadre e quindi le retrocessioni non sono stabilite con criterio matematico, ma a seconda di quante squadre compongono il girone…; 3 con 10 squadre, 2 con 9 e 1 sola con 8 partecipanti.
Resta da vedere se ci sarà poi spazio per le 36 promosse provenienti dalle regioni; si spererà anche quest’anno in qualche ritiro.
Dunque dicevamo che il Johann Sebastian Software, esperto compositore di eterogenei gruppi geografici, parte subito con lo stimolante vezzo di cambiare le lettere che per decenni hanno contraddistinto la posizione del girone. E’ una cosa che serve ha poi spiegato. Il girone A quest’anno è a Trieste e Udine, basta con la Valle D’Aosta, che poi non ci dicano che siamo abitudinari e statici.
Girone A: 4 regioni; 9 squadre; 3 TN, 2 UD, 1 VE, 1 BZ, 2 PN
Girone B: 1 regione; 9 squadre; 2 VA, 1 LC, 5 MI, 1 CO
Girone C: 3 regioni; 10 squadre; 3 TO, 1 AO, 1 CN, 1 VB, 1 BI, 1 MI, 1 VA,
Girone D: 4 regioni; 10 squadre; 1 VE, 2 PD, 2 BO, 2 VI, 1 RA, 1 MO, 1 BS,
Girone E: 3 regioni; 9 squadre; 4 TO, 1 Im, 1 Al, 1 PV, 1 CN, 1 AT,
Girone F: 3 regioni; 10 squadre; 3 MO, 1 PR, 1 MC, 1 PI, 1 SP, 1 LI, 1 RE, 1 GE,
Girone G: 6 regioni; 10 squadre; 1 RA, 2 PG, 1 AN, 1 TE, 1 PI, 1 FC, 1 AP, 1 SI, 1 VT,
Girone H: 3 regioni; 9 squadre; 6 RM, 1 PG, 1 FR, 1 CH,
Girone I: 4 regioni; 10 squadre; 5 NA, 2 CB, 1 RM, 1 CE, 1 TE,
Girone L: 2 regioni; 8 squadre; 2 RC, 1 VV, 2 CT, 2 ME, 1 PA,
Girone M: 9 Squadre della Sardegna,
Girone N: 8 squadre della Sicilia, (ma le altre 2 di CT e l’altra di Palermo) vedi girone L,
Girone O: 3 regioni; 9 squadre; 3 BA, 2 MT, 2 LE, 1 TA, 1 SA,

Si noterà che:
- Il Cascina a km.12 da Pisa (F) è in un altro girone (G) che lo costringe a Km.5600
- Il girone G tocca ben 6 regioni su 20 d’Italia, con un triangolo di distanze estreme, Casnia, Viterbo Teramo,
- Il Perugia è nel girone H del Lazio (dove sono in 9, compreso l’Ortona di Chieti), mentre il Viterbo sta nel G (?)…
- Ci sono solo 2 squadre di Palermo ma una sta in un girone N solo di siciliane (da 8 squadre) mentre l’altra va anche in Calabria, sempre in un girone da 8 squadre dove anche qui sono squadre di Catania e Messina.
- Altro record del TT Cava dei Tirreni che gioca 8 volte sullo Jonio (?). L’altro girone campano è da 10 squadre, ma c’è una squadra abruzzese che in puglia sarebbe certamente più scomoda del Cava dei Tirreni.
- Le squadre abruzzesi sono 4 e tutte in 4 gironi diversi, ma si riducono a 3 per una era una retrocessa ripescata per errore (e mica l’han pubblica e comunicata la sostituzione), ma che si riducono a 2 perché il Teramo si ritira.
- Non parliamo della B2, ma anche li potremmo aprire un capitoletto.

Ora, in possesso dei dati del Girone F e Girone H, e dato che il sole a Catania sorge 38 minuti dopo che a Torino, mentre a Salerno tramonta 26 minuti prima che a Trieste, sapendo che il Teramo aveva una fiat marea w.e. per le trasferte, ma si è ritirato,… il Candidato risolva indovinando quale squadra ha il presidente la cui moglie ha il pesciolino rosso nel vaso sul frigorifero!

I sommi presidenti che affettuosamente chiameremo “Cocco e Renato”, hanno ammesso la situazione un po’ anomala ma e aggiustabile, ma hanno poi dichiarato che i responsabili della commissione gare assolutamente si rifiutavano di rifare i gironi. Capite? Impiegati o volontari soggetti a rimborso per riunione, si rifiutano di rifare (sarebbero bastati 4 spostamenti e 2 inversioni) ed un Presidente non si può imporre a questo rifiuto almeno un mese prima del’inizio dei campionati.???
Il Viterbo ha presentato ricorso al Giudice Unico Nazionale, circa 15-16 gironi prima dell’inizio dei campionati ma, udite-udite il G.U.N. si siede a deliberare alle ore 12:30 del giovedi prima della prima giornata di campionato e cosa delibera:

“Letto er ricorso de la ASD CTT Lib. Viterbo averso a a’ composizione der Girone G de serie C1 maschile, Valutate ‘e motivazioni de la C.Naz. Gare a Sq. In merito, Considerato che l’utilizzo der software messo a disposizione rispetta, ove possibbile, i dettami de la viggente normativa in materia de composizione dei gironi; tutto quanto sopra premesso e considerato: decide de riggettare er ricorso avanzato dalla ASD CTT Lib. De Viterbo (che so pure da ‘a Lazzie) e de incamerare ‘a tassa versata.”
Mo’ annamo a magnà che ss’è fatto tardi!
Segue comunicazione e-mail alla società; ore 14:58 dell’anno Domini grande A1 maschile e Top dei Campioni a Bari,
decisione 1/2008-09.
E tanti saluti a la Sora Pina!.

Uno fa un ricorso e il G.U. ti motiva così la fatica che hai fatto a prender la decisione di protestare; 5 righe in cambio di 4.360 km. Come da tabelle ACI nominate all’articolo 13 del regolamento a squadre parte specifica.
Non foss’altro perché in un girone H, più a sud e da 9 squadre c’è il Perugia che è città più a nord. Mica la devi per forza spostare il Perugia, la lasci li e ci metti anche il Viterbo. Ma Johan Sebastian Software ha composto il girone così e gli suona bene così. E decide lui adesso: Il Software Geografico De Angustini della FITeT.
Mi fa venire in mente il Giudice della favola di Pinocchio. Il Sonno della Ragione, la Ripetitività, la Routine del Sistema, l’Assuefazione al Sistema, agli Amici degli Amici degli Amici. Una Lehman Brothers che continuerà a vendere ed a passare di mano i suoi debiti, fino all’arrotolamento dentro se stesso del problema, del sistema, …. Qualcuno si ricorda il Cartone Animato Yellow Submarine dei Beatles, dove c’era il cagnaccio che si mordeva dalla coda e poi si mangiava da solo, fino a sparire…?
E’ iniziata un’altra stagione, quella 2008-09, un nuovo Quadriennio Olimpico!

Banditi col botto

9 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · Lascia un commento 


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The service in tabletennis

6 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · Lascia un commento 

By Massimo Costantini

The service represents an important stage of the game, maybe the most important, because from it depends his own process, that is the strategy of the game.

The serve is a factor of a dynamic and vivid technical knowledge, and never as in this stage the player has a complete control of his own skills. The peculiarity of being vivid and dynamic means that the serve permits many variations in terms of spin, speed, direction, position, length, and, in opposition to other strokes, serve is influenced by nothing but the own player, in the instant when he throws the ball.
The serve is strictly connected with technical, tactical and psychological factors. In many occasions I expressed this definition: the serve is a mental condition. Actually, the psychological factor, extremely present in ping-pong, finds here his extreme expression. Just think at those particularly delicate moments of the match as, for example, the final points of a game or of a match.
Before analysing the serve from a technical and tactical point of view, it will be useful to remember that ping-pong rules impose a correct execution of the serve, otherwise punished with a warning, or worse, with the assignment of the point to the opponent.
Features of a correct serve are:

— the ball must be placed in the centre of the hand, with a completely opened palm;

— in the moment when the ball is hit, it must rebound first in the server’s side of table, and then, once it gets over the net, it must rebound in the opponent’s side of the table;

— the ball must be thrown up in a vertical line without giving any kind of spin, and must be thrown up to a minimal height of 16 cm;

— from the starting moment of the serve, the ball must not be hidden in any way;

— as soon as the ball is thrown up, the free server’s hand must not be placed between the ball and the net, so that the ball can be clearly visible to the opponent.
Technical features of the serve:
Whether the serve is played with backhand, or with forehand, it is a stroke like any other, that’s why, to improve it, we must train it well, such as we train topspin or other parts of the game; for a good technical execution, serve follows the same technical rules like the other strokes, such as preparation, approach to the ball, acceleration and final movement.
There are many ways to execute an effective serve: one of them is the ability to conceal different spins with as similar as possible movements.
To execute an effective serve we must also think about some technical and tactical aims: next we’ll see how much the psychological aspect will influence the quality of the serve.
The throwing of the ball must be precise and without hesitations. A wrong throw could compromise a good result.
Particularly important is the moment of the contact with the ball. Many players aim to throw the ball much over 16 cm, and sometimes they make throws high 2 – 2.50 meters (since from the early ‘70, Chinese players are leaders in this kind of throw). The goal is twofold: extend the opponent’s observation time, in order to take off his attention and to take advantage of the fall of the ball, which, together with the quickness of the technical act, makes the ball even harder to “read”. In this way, in the moment of the contact of the racket with the ball, we can improve the quality of the serve.
The importance of the moment of the contact with the ball is given by the quickness with which we hit the ball: more the contact and the movement are quick, more difficult is understand the kind of spin from the opponent’s point of view. Who serves will try, as we said before, to confuse the opponent, leading him to make a mistake or to return an easily playable ball.
If it is true that the opponent can be confused by the quality (kind of spin), it is as much true that he can be confused also by the quantity (of spin). And more: hit the ball quickly allows also to send the ball in an unexpected way into one or into another part of the table. As last feature, give more or less length to this stroke.
In any case, serve has two aims: try to win the point straight with the mistake on the opponent’s receive, and lay out the server’s play.
To obtain the best as possible serve, it is very important the use of the wrist. Right for his very flexible feature, the wrist is fit for the necessary quickness we spoke above: actually, in the moment of the contact with the ball, the wrist can be an additional variation of the quality of the serve, and make it definitely effective.
So, to handle the strategy of play, we can avail ourselves with an enormous tactical potential, that is precisely the serve with all of its variations.
Psychological influence plays an important part in the execution of the serve, because it could make fruitless the serve’s effectiveness in terms of quality, quantity of spin, length and direction.
Of course, training the act of the serve, we create a sort of muscular conditioning, but, in any way, the nervous aspect, and so a high psychological pressure, very often makes us behave ourselves in the less appropriate way or, at least, reduces in terms of efficacy the own qualities of the serve.
Just above I mentioned that a serve must not show hesitations: consequence, in addition to the ineffectiveness, that is low quality, is to make easier to the opponent  to take the initiative of the play.
Train the serve is very important. The serve allows us to express ourselves in the as more as possible exclusive and imaginative way. Without looking at the pure technical action, my suggestion is, at least at the beginning, to focus on two aspects, or qualitative aims: the intensity of the serve in terms of spin and the length of the serve in terms of the length on the table.
Together with those two aspects we must think, organize and train the serve, contextualizing it in the play that we decided to follow. A non-useful or partially useful way to train is to train the serve as an action apart, separately from the rest of the play.
To make go together the action of the serve with the next actions, that means with the development of the game, the role of the legs and the action they follow just after serving, become basic. Actually, just after serving, becomes necessary to keep the correct position at the table and prepare ourselves to be immediately reactive, depending on the opponent’s receive and on the intentions we fixed in advance.
Here below you can see the photographic sequence from Table Tennis Illustrated of ITTF. You can easily see that who serves, in this case the Korean player Oh Sang Eun, even before his opponent hits the ball, stays already in the waiting position, ready to make the necessary decisions.

The legs movement, and the correct steps to make, is considered really important, because a wrong step leads to lose a loss of balance, that is a wrong position in comparison with the development of the game.
Preparing yourselves to train the serve, you can use all your imagination, paying attention on the basic aspects you learned above.
Try to recreate the stages of the serve, its brakes, the considerations you make during the match: this will help you to make as profitable as possible the training of the serve.
From the tactical point of view, serve can be used to force or oblige the opponent to open the game, for example making a serve with a positive spin (topspin). Another possibility is to serve with negative spin (backspin), aimed to avoid your opponent’s opening of the game, or to stimulate a short receive from your opponent. In any case, the length of the ball is basic: is clear that a serve is effective if the second rebound on the opponent’s side of the table is nearly close to the bottom line. Another terminology of the same action is when we say that a serve is half long, or just out. This kind of serve, apart from the kind of spin, doesn’t allow your opponent to take the initiative with a topspin, and forces him to a push or, in case, to a flip.
Here you can see a simple drawing for right-handed and for left-handed players, that can suggest you some ideas:
Another tactical use could be represented by a long-fast serve. This kind of serve has two aims: force the opponent to an immediately open play, and surprise your opponent with an unexpected, quick, fast and long serve. Many players use this tactical component close to the end of a set, when the nervous strain is at its maximum degree and the psychological pressure could play bad jokes.
For all tactical applications, we can say that the kind of spin is caused by the impact of the racket on the ball. Iconographical description of the kind of spin is given by imagining the ball as a watch: when the ball is hit at 4,5 or 6, it means that the kind of spin given is a backspin, with different degrees of intensity of the spin.
If the ball is hit at 3, the ball will have a null or neutral spin.
Another description can be given imagining the ball as a globe (children like more the watch example). So we can say that if the racket hits the Equator, we’ll have an almost null spin, while if it hits the South Pole, the ball will have a lot of backspin.
When you will train the serve in an individual and analytical way, avoid to play more and more serves, as if the improvement was due to the quantity, or rather to the number of the serves played. Try to play the serve with the stages and the movements that you’ll do in the match. It is better to train less but quality serves, instead of many but low quality serves.
The next article focused on the technical aspect will be dedicated to the receive.

Have a good training.

translation by Denisa Zancaner

Euro 08

5 Ottobre 2008 da Ping Pong Italia · 6 Commenti 

Brillante partenza per le 2 Italie ai Campionati Europei che sono inziati oggi a San Pietroburgo in Russia. 2 vittorie nel femminile e 2 nel maschile.
Ecco i risultati completi:

Stefanova-Opdecamp 14-12, 5-11, 11-8, 11-7
Tan Monfardini-Junker 11-6, 11-8, 15-13
Negrisoli-Indeherberg 11-7, 11-4, 11-2

Tan Monfardini-Liu J. 11-7, 11-5, 7-11, 8-11, 12-14
Stefanova-Li Q. 11-7, 11-8, 7-11, 11-6
Negrisoli-Heine 11-6, 11-9, 11-8
Stefanova-Liu J. 7-11, 11-8, 5-11, 11-9, 6-11
Tan Monfardini-Li Q. 11-5, 11-6, 11-9

Bobocica-Crawford 11-7, 11-5, 11-3
Tomasi-Rumgay 11-7, 8-11, 11-9, 14-12
Crotti-Cameron 11-5, 11-7, 11-6

Tomasi-Yordanov 14-12, 11-9, 11-8
Bobocica-Golovanov 11-7, 11-7, 12-10
Crotti-Parapanov 11-9, 11-7, 11-7

Prossimi incontri:
alle 10 ora locale le ragazze incontreranno le polacche, mentre i ragazzi alle 13 giocheranno contro gli svizzeri.

foto di copertina by Joerg Sarbach

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